
(2)その家は、私たち6人が住むには小さすぎた。(too...to~と「私たち6人」the six of usを用いて、13単語で作って下さい。)
There is ( ) dictionary ( ) ( ) describe the use of this word.
She spoke for ( ) a long time ( ) people began to fall asleep.
The grass was ( ) wet ( ) them ( ) sit ( ).
He made me ( ) punch him a year ago.
He worked hard ( ) .
(1)Every time uncle comes,he is brought one interesting book to me.
(2)The house was too small for the six of us to live in.
(3)He likes gambling not to speak of drinking.
(1)no/that doesn't
(1)angry so that I wanted to

A 回答 (3件)

> Every time uncle comes,he is brought one interesting book to me.

*** Every time my uncle comes, he brings one interesting book to me.

"uncle" には、"my" をつけます。

> She spoke for ( me ) a long time ( too ) people began to fall asleep.

*** She spoke for ( such ) a long time ( that ) people began to fall asleep.

"such + 名詞 + that S V" 構文です。

> The grass was ( too ) wet ( for ) them ( to ) sit ( down ).

*** The grass was ( too ) wet ( for ) them ( to ) sit ( on ).

"上に" なので、"on"。
"too" の代わりに "so" は入りません。

> He made me ( angry so that I wanted to ) punch him a year ago.

*** He made me ( so angry that I wanted to ) punch him a year ago.

"so + 形容詞 + that S V" 構文です。

> He worked hard ( ??? ) .

*** He worked hard so that his family could live happily.

かな ... ?^^
    • good
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She spoke for ( ) a long time ( ) people began to fall asleep.
such that
    • good
    • 0

(1)Every time uncle comes,he is brought one interesting book to me.

  he is brought -> he brought
to me -> for me も可能。
(2)The house was too small for the six of us to live in.
(3)He likes gambling not to speak of drinking.
(1)no/that doesn't
・・・ The grass was so wet for them to sit on.
・・・ The grass was too wet for them to sit on.
(1)angry so that I wanted to
so angry that let me feel like to
so upset that seduce me
He worked hard so that his family could live happily.
    • good
    • 0
