




Are you going to go back to Canada every year at least one time?


No,I'm not.But I want to do every two years at least one time even if I couldn't do every year.


It is the town suited to strolling and cycling very much.


Not only the air is little polluted, but also garbbage is not thrown away in the street.


A woman stopped walking, looking at me with her face sad.

A 回答 (2件)


(1) Are you going to go back to Canada every year at least one time?

予定ではなく、毎年の決まった習慣を尋ねている様なので、現在形でよいのではないかと思います。年に1回 once a year 2年に1回 once every two years は覚えておくと便利です。

Do you go back to Canada about once a year?

(2) No,I'm not.But I want to do every two years at least one time even if I couldn't do every year.


No. However, I would like to go back at least about once every two years even though it is impossible to go back every year.

(3) It is the town suited to strolling and cycling very much.

「うってつけの」は very much はとってしまって、best suited to/for 等とした方が良いように思いました。

It is the town best suited to strolling and cycling.

(4) Not only the air is little polluted, but also garbbage is not thrown away in the street.

この文が一番訳しにくいのではないかと思います。「AもBもない」を neither A nor B にしたいところですが、部分否定も絡むので、そう簡単に neithe A nor B を使えないところが厄介だと思います。

Not only is the air little polluted, but also garbage is not thrown away in the streets.

のように Not only で始める時は、後が倒置形式になることが多いと思います。

(5) A woman stopped walking, looking at me with her face sad.

「じっと見つめる」は stare at, gaze at 等を知らないとつらいものがあります。「あきれたような表情」は an amazed expression, an amazed look などでしょう。

A woman stopped walking, staring at me with an amazed look on her face.



(1) Do you return to Canada about once a year?

(2) No, I don't. But I would like to return at least once every two years even if I am not able to return every year.

(3) That is a town best fitted for strolling and cycling.

(4) There is almost no air pollution nor is there any garbage scattered on the streets.

(5) A woman stopped walking and gazed at me with an amazed expression on her face.
    • good
    • 0



一つ気になるのですが、学校でeven thoughは過去で用いて、even ifはこれからのことに用いると習ったのですが、あまり気にしなくても大丈夫でしょうか?

(4)not only の倒置は完全にノーマークでした。注意します。

(5)gaze atはいざ書こうとしたときにatが必要なのか迷ってしまいました。この機会に覚えておきます。


お礼日時:2011/02/14 12:11


even if, even though の用法を少し調べてみたのですが、ご指摘の even if が未来のことに、even though は過去のことに用いると言う説明は見つかりませんでした。ただ、even though の方が強意的で、「~であるのに、~だが」の意味が even if 以外にあることぐらいでした。

even though…
アクセントèven though…

(1) …であるのに, …だが.
用例 I went even though she didn't. 彼女は行かなかったが私は行った.

(2) =EVEN1 if 【成句】.


even if [though][even if [though]]. ⇒[副]1.
▼even thoughはeven ifよりも強意を表す場合が多い.

http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/leaf/ej3/29158/m0u/e …

•even if
・Even if Tom's not rich, I (still) want to marry him. : トムが金持ちでなくても、やはり彼と結婚したい。


•even though
・My mom always cooked even though she worked. : 私の母は働きながらでも毎日料理を作ってくれた。
・Send her my best even though she never liked me.
・He wouldn't give his name even though I asked twice.
・Even though you may hate me right now, I love you.
・He's a great father, even though he's a pain in the neck.
・I was smiling even though I didn't know what he had planned.
・You will always be my little boy even though you're all grown up.
・She never visited her mother, even though she lived in the same town.

    • good
    • 0


大変詳しくてわかりやすかったです。even though,even ifはおかげでもう間違えないと思います!


お礼日時:2011/02/14 18:30
