

In japan, we have club activity of school after class. It is not mandatory. But almost students have joined.In addition, students of various grade belong to a club. And I am on a ○○ club. We have only ○ members, and ○ are same grade to me.


A 回答 (2件)


英文を多少修正してみましたが、如何でしょうか (英語が母国語です)。

In japan, we have club activities after class. These activities are not mandatory, but most students belong to a club. In addition, students of various grades belong to each club. I belong to the ○○ club. We have only ○ members, and ○ are in the same grade to me.
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お礼日時:2013/10/22 17:40

In japan, we have club activity of school after class.

→In Japan, we have club after school.

It is not mandatory. But almost students have joined.
→It is not mandatory to join in a club, but almost all students join.

In addition, students of various grades belong to a club. 

And I am on a ○○ club.
→I belong to ○○ club.

We have only ○ members, and ○ are same grade to me.
→We have only ○ members, and ○ are the same grade as mine.

    • good
    • 1
