
以下のdifferentから始まる文で、which の先行詞とitが指し示す内容をお教え願えないでしょうか。

例:The reason for which she was late was that she didn't feel well.
The reason was that she didn't feel well.
She was late for the reason.

Different countries have each unique cultures and traditions for which it is being reflected in
their clothing.

A 回答 (2件)


Different countries have each unique cultures and traditions.
It is being reflected in their clothing for each unique cultures and traditions.

どうも、it は culture とか tradition っぽいですが、
Different countries have each unique culture and tradition which is/are being reflected in their clothing.

for を出す意味、it を出す意味はありません。


wordreference comでネイティブに尋ねたところ、やはり「I'm afraid the passage you refer to is full of mistakes and the sentence you have found is badly-written.」だといわれました。非ネイティブ講師による格安オンライン英会話教室の限界を感じています。

補足日時:2015/01/04 06:50
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ありがとうございます。私もこのfor which it は意味がないと思うんですが・・・

お礼日時:2015/01/04 02:21

これだけだと it の表わすものはわかりません。

それに each の後に cultures, traditions という複数が来ているのもおかしいです。



最初のパラグラフはイントロで、質問した文は第二パラグラフの冒頭にきています。第一パラグラフと第二パラグラフはあまり深い関係はありませんが、参考までに the first paragraph ends as following:
In some regions and areas where people suffer extreme scarcity, we can actually imagine these natives without permanent shelter or food to eat, but never without clothes on. They always have at least few clothes to cover themselves up,

Different countries have each unique cultures and traditions for which it is being reflected in their clothing. This is the reason why we have traditional clothes. These attires are very significant as it depicts the history of the country and it also makes a distinction from all other countries as their unique identity. Each country came up with different designs and materials of traditional clothes depending on the customs and the history of their country as well.

This is the reason why traditional clothes play a very important role in one’s nation, because it conveys a story of the country’s past momentous events.


補足日時:2015/01/04 02:18
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wordreference comでネイティブに尋ねたところ、やはり「I'm afraid the passage you refer to is full of mistakes and the sentence you have found is badly-written.」だといわれました。非ネイティブ講師による格安オンライン英会話教室の限界を感じています。

お礼日時:2015/01/04 06:50
