

2.1.3 Life-Cycle Interpretation The final step in the life-cycle assessment is interpretation of results. This includes drawing conclusions and making recommendations from the inventory analysis and/or impact assessment. It is in this stage that areas for improvement are identified or shortcomings are noted. Within the ISO standard, the following steps for completing the life-cycle interpretation are identified and discussed:

1. Identification of the Significant Issues – This first step of the life-cycle interpretation stage involves reviewing information from the prior three stages; Goals, Scope and Boundary Definition, Life-Cycle Inventory, and Life-Cycle Impact Assessment.

These phases are reviewed in order to identify the data that contribute most to the results of both the LCI and LCIA for each product system evaluated, otherwise known as “significant issues.”

For instance, these significant issues can be identified by assessing the relative contributions of each life-cycle phase (manufacturing and assembly, use, end-of-life, etc.) to determine which consume the greatest amount of energy.

問題は、These phases are reviewed in order to identify the data that contribute most to the results of both the LCI and LCIA for each product system evaluated, otherwise known as “significant issues.”  の文章の、otherwise known as “significant issues.”にあります。


[これらの段階について検討を行い、各製品システムにおけるLCIおよびLCIAの両方の結果に大きな寄与を行うデータの特定を行う。] としました。この後、otherwise known as “significant issues.” [それ以外は、重要事項とする? ]
1まず、otherwise known as “significant issues.”の文法上の役割が不明です。データを修飾する形容詞句ですか?



A 回答 (2件)

1)otherwise known as○○


2) These phases are reviewed in order to identify the data that contribute most to the results of both the LCI and LCIA for each product system evaluated, otherwise known as “significant issues.”
    • good
    • 0


    • good
    • 0
