

1. Being Famous is the first novel from Lee Gray, lead guitarist for the world, famous rock band, The Rumor.
Gray tells the story of his own real-life climb to fame through a fictional character named Ringo.

2. The tale begins with Ringo in high school-a shy, unpopular teenager with bad grades in everything except art and music.
Ringo leaves school and gets a job cleaning toilets and making tea in a recording studio, hoping that the producers who work there will one day notice his music.
We follow Ringo's story as he is rejected by five different record companies, breaks up with his girlfriend three times, and loses numerous jobs.
Eventually Ringo, penniless and heartbroken, gets a recording by five with a big record company.
He goes on a world tour with his band, and becomes very successful before returning to his hometown, rich and famous.
The story describes the people Ringo meets and the humorous situations he finds himself infrom his early days making tea in the recording studio to his travels on the road with his band.

3. Anyone who has ever lost a love, lost a job, or lost all hope, but can still laugh about it will enjoy this funny, interesting, and true story!

4. Elkin Ocean is the third book in Theresa Stevens' Mythical Forest series.
The volume tells the story of a group of Elkins, elf-like beings who live in a Magic Forest.
The plot centers around a courageous young Elkin named Ocean, who is born with the ability to sense the forces of evil that attack the forest.

5. The day after his 17th birthday, the forest elders take Ocean high into the mountais of the forest to teach him how to use his magical powers.
As he grows up in the mountains with his elders, he struggles to accept his destiny as a leader in the saves the Elkin people.
He overcomes evil, and wins the love of Portia, the Elkin king's daughter.

6.This is a wonderful novel full of magic, adventure, and courage.
It is also a story of the stuggle all young people face as they grow from children into adults, and learn to accept life's responsibilities.
A book for people of all ages!

A 回答 (2件)



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お礼日時:2009/11/10 19:18

1. Being Famous is the first novel fom Lee Gray, lead guitarist for the world-famous rock band, The Rumor. Gray tells the story of his own real-life climb to fame through a fictional character named Ringo.

Being Famous は世界的に有名なロックバンド The Rumor のリードギタリスト Lee Gray の書いた処女小説である。Gray は彼の実人生での出世に至る過程を、架空の Ringo という人物に仮託して描いている。

2. The tale being with Ring in high school - a shy, unpopular teenager with bad grades in everthing except art and music. Ringo leaves school and get a job cleaning toilets and making tea in a recording studio, hoping that the producers who work there will one day notice his music.

学校では美術と音楽以外の成績はドン尻で、内気でパッとしない Ringo という若者の物語。
Ringo は学校を辞めて清掃作業員になる。レコーディング・スタジオでお茶くみをしながら、そのスタジオのプロデューサーが、いつか彼の音楽に注目してくれる日がくるのではないかと期待している。

we follow Ringo's story as he is rejected by five different record companies, breaks up with his girlfriend three times, and loses numerous jobs. Eventually Ringo, penniless and heartbriken, gets a recording deal with a big record company. he goes on a world tour with his band, and become very successful before returning to his hometown, rich and famous. the story describes the people Ringo meet and the humorous situations he finds himself in - form his early day making tea in the recording studio to his travels on the road with his band.

Ringo は、5つのレコード会社から断られ、ガールフレンドとは3回の喧嘩別れをし、いろんな仕事を首になる。無一文で打ちしおれた彼だったが、ついに大手のレコード会社とレコーディングの契約を得る。自分のバンドとともに世界ツアーに出て大成功をおさめてから、故郷に戻る。今度は金持ちで有名人だ。物語は、Ringo がであう人々や落ち込んでしまったおかしな状況を描いている。レコーディング・スタジオでのお茶くみからバンドの一員としてツアーに出るまでの様子などを。

3. anyone who has ever lost a love, lost a job, or lost all hope, but can still laugh about it will enjoy this funny, interesting, and true story!


4. Elkin Ocean is the third book in Theresa Stevens' Mythical Forest series. This volume follows the story of a group of elf-like people called Elkin who live in a Magic Forest. The plot centers around a courageous young Elkin named Ocean, who is born with the ability to sense the forces of evil that attack the forest.

Elkin Ocean は Theresa Stevens の Mythical Forest シリーズの3番目の作品である。この作品は、Magic Forest に住む Elkin と呼ばれる妖精のような人たちについての物語である。主人公は、Ocean という名の勇敢な Elkin であり、彼は森を攻撃する悪の力を感知する力を持っている。

5. The day after his seventeenth birthday, the forest elders take Ocean high into the mountains of the forest to teach him how to use his magical powers. As he grows up in the mountains with his elders, he struggles to accept his destiny as a leader in the forest. Eventually, he face his fears, find the strength to fight the dark forces, and saves the Elkin people. He overcomes evil, and wins the love of Portia, the Elkin king's daughter.

かれが17歳になると、森の長老は Ocean を山の頂きに連れて行き、魔法の力の使い方を伝授する。かれは山のなかで長老と生活をともにするが、やがて森のリーダーになるという自分の使命に反発するようになる。やがてかれは己れの弱さを克服し、暗黒の力と闘うための力を見出し、そして Elkin たちを助ける。彼は悪に打ち勝ち、Elkin の王の娘である Portia の愛を勝ち取る。

6. This is a wonderful novel full of magic, adventure and courage. It is also a story of the struggle all young people face as they grow form children into adults, and learn to accept life's responsibilities.
A book for people of all ages!


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お礼日時:2009/11/13 19:35
