

Given the uniqueness of environmental management issues and its position outside the mainstream of the company's day-to-day operating activities, it can be difficult for corporate management to assess the state of its program. One way to garner such independent assessment is to engage an environmental management assessment.

The central question that must ask is, "what will be the roll of the environmental health and safety(EHS) function?"

Taking the latter point a step further, it can be argued that EHS has become a critical element of a successful 21st-century business strategy. Furthermore, as depicted in Exhibit 3 there are potential business consequences for the "efficient compliance" approach.

A 回答 (1件)



最も知りたいのは、「環境衛生安全(Enviromental Health and Safety = EHS)管理」が果たす機能とは、どのようなものであるのか、ということだろう。

後の点を言い替えると、EHS は21世紀のビジネス戦略の上で、不可欠な要素になったということができる。更にいえば、図3 に示したように、「効率的なコンプライアンス」という角度から見て、潜在的なビジネス・チャンスをも秘めている。
    • good
    • 0
