

1. Jackie couldn't get over the death of her pet Labrador dog.

Q: get over

(1) employ (2) overcome (3) examine (4) interrupt
2. Her father was brought up in a small town.

Q: brought up

(1) grown (2) raised (3) risen (4) sought

3. Don't you think she takes after her mother?

Q: takes after

(1) follows (2) helps (3) obeys (4) resembles

4. They went through hard times when they were younger.

Q: went through

(1) enjoyed (2) experienced (3) tried (4) made

5. It is easy to find fault with other's accomplishments.

Q: find fault with

(1) watch (2) comment (3) praise (4) criticize

A 回答 (2件)

1. Jackie couldn't get over the death of her pet Labrador dog.

Q: get over = (2) overcome

(1) employ 雇う
(2) overcome 克服する
(3) examine 調べる
(4) interrupt 邪魔をする

2. Her father was brought up in a small town.
Q: brought up = (2) raised

(1) grown 大きくなった(受動態で使わない)
(2) raised 育てられた
(3) risen 上った
(4) sought 求められた

3. Don't you think she takes after her mother?
Q: takes after = (4) resembles

(1) follows 後に続く
(2) helps 助ける
(3) obeys 従う
(4) resembles 似る
☆ take after は、「(親の特徴などを子供が引き継いでいる意味で)似ている」よって、Her mother takes after her daughter. は、使えない。A and B look alike. もよく使われます。

4. They went through hard times when they were younger.
Q: went through = (2) experienced

(1) enjoyed 楽しんだ
(2) experienced 経験した
(3) tried 試した
(4) made 作った

5. It is easy to find fault with other's accomplishments.
Q: find fault with = (4) criticize

(1) watch ~を見る
(2) comment 意見を言う
(3) praise 誉める
(4) criticize 批判する
    • good
    • 1


    • good
    • 1
