
Near the edge of the Arctic reagion of Canada, the short summer is repidly disappearing.
The sun is pale, and the brief days of fall are being chased away by a constant cold wind from the north.
Along the western shore of the Hudson Bay, winter is beginning to close its grip and make this a very inhospitable environment.
It is an icy cold region in which few animals or plants can survive.
One animal,though, actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings:the polar bear.
Every year on the western edge of the Hudson Bay, polar bears hungrily wait for the freezing of the bay in order to begin their hunting season.
Winter has the perfect land carnivore and an animal that depends on the ice and cold for its survival.
What is it about this remarkable and beautiful marine mammal that makes it particularly suited for such extreme temperatures?


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Near the edge of the Arctic region of Canada, the short summer is rapidly disappearing.

The sun is pale, and the brief days of fall are being chased away by a constant cold wind from the north.

Along the western shore of the Hudson Bay, winter is beginning to close its grip and make this a very inhospitable environment.

It is an icy cold region in which few animals or plants can survive.

One animal,though, actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings:the polar bear.

Every year on the western edge of the Hudson Bay, polar bears hungrily wait for the freezing of the bay in order to begin their hunting season.

Winter has the perfect land carnivore and an animal that depends on the ice and cold for its survival.

What is it about this remarkable and beautiful marine mammal that makes it particularly suited for such extreme temperatures?

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Near the edge of the Arctic reagion of Canada, the short summer is repidly disappearing.


The sun is pale, and the brief days of fall are being chased away by a constant cold wind from the north.

Along the western shore of the Hudson Bay, winter is beginning to close its grip and make this a very inhospitable environment.

It is an icy cold region in which few animals or plants can survive.

One animal, though, actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings: the polar bear.

Every year on the western edge of the Hudson Bay, polar bears hungrily wait for the freezing of the bay in order to begin their hunting season.

Winter has the perfect land carnivore and an animal that depends on the ice and cold for its survival.

What is it about this remarkable and beautiful marine mammal that makes it particularly suited for such extreme temperatures?
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