
We have changed.
In the past, our country was dominated by a terrible patriarchy, men had to take full responsibility for the whole family, and women had to get married early and become housewives in time. And every man had to approach, and every woman had to be graceful.
Japan is no longer such a country. Nowadays, households working hard together are the majority of child-rearing couples in Japan, and it is very active to leave infants in daycare centers. Most young working people, especially those who work crunchy, want to continue their careers as double-income families, thereby making them even more financially stable. By doing so, the annual household income will increase, and more children will be born and raised and sent to college. And dual-income makes it even easier to save money for old age.
But our government is very crazy. The consciousness of high-ranking government officials remains during the period of high economic miracle, when most women left the company after marriage and became full-time housewives. And above all, senior officials are doing things on the premise that almost all the people get married in their twenties and all the unmarried people are said to be late and treated as half-served. Isn't that a story about half a century old?
This country gives tremendous preferential treatment to full-time housewives. This is a story that should not be in this era. In this era when both men and women are highly educated, it is never possible to increase the number of children with the old family policy. The word standard household is no longer a dead language. For women in double-income families and those who are raising children alone, this system is causing great difficulty.
Such a policy has brought about a terrible declining birthrate in Japan. And Japan never brought about the third baby boom and the promotion of a new economy.
Japan is on the verge of extinction, and the government has to overcome the crisis no matter what.
To the government. Sufficient amount of quality childcare must be given to children to support a dual-income era, parental leave should be strongly encouraged for all parents, and the government has as much resources as possible to educate children. Do you, the government, know that you have to take care of it?
The government must know. Unless we come up with a powerful policy, a policy like a silver bullet, our country will sink, that is, it will decline, the Chinese military will invade, and our system will die.
The government must provide equal support to all children, no matter how high income taxes, corporate taxes, and other taxes are mandated on the people. And the government must increase its support for multi-children so that more families have more children.
It was the Japanese government in the 1970s that proclaimed that there could be up to two children in a household. Now is the time for our government to take that responsibility.


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