
hire と employの違いって何ですか?

A 回答 (2件)

hire = 一時雇用契約を結ぶというイメージ、「殺し屋」を「hire」するとは言うが、「employ」するとは言わない、殆ど、絶対に、多分、、、(笑)

hired assassin,"殺し屋",
hired by the day,"《be ~》日雇いに雇われる",
hired car,"レンタカー、賃借りの車"
hired foreign expert,"御雇外国人◆Foreign experts in various fields who were hired by the Japanese government to teach their subjects in Japan during the early Meiji era. Among them are historian/science teacher William Griffis, architect R. P. Bridgens, and art expert Ernest Fenollosa.◆英語でもたまに「yatoi」とも言う。◆The original Japanese word ""yatoi"" is sometimes used in English.(MR)","",0,0,0,""
hired from throughout the region,"《be ~》その地域全体を通じて採用される","",0,0,0,""
hired girl,"(女性の)お手伝いさん◆特に農家の雑用の",""
hired guard,"傭兵",""
hired gun,"〈俗〉(金で雇われた)殺し屋、ボディーガード","",
hired guns for special projects,"専門プロジェクトのための臨時雇用者","",
hired hand,"雇い人、使用人",
hired house,"借家",""
hired killer,"殺し屋","",
hired labor,"賃金労働者","",
hired manager,"雇われ重役","
hired mercenaries,"雇われた傭兵","
hired nurse,"派出看護師",""
hired servant,"使用人",""
hired toughs to fight professional trouble-makers at a shareholders meeting,"総会屋",""
hired toughs to keep order at a shareholders meeting,"総会屋",""
hired troops,"傭兵隊",""
labor hired,"賃労働","
last hired, first fired,"最後に雇用された者が最初に解雇される◆【参考】last come, first go","",
locally hired,"現地採用の","",
locally hired employee,"<→locally-hired employee>","
locally-hired employee,"現地採用の従業員",
man hired on probation,"仮採用者",""
murder by hired killer,"雇われた殺し屋による殺人","
newly hired employee,"<→newly-hired employee>",""
newly hired university graduate,"<→newly-hired university graduate>","",
newly-hired employee,"新入社員",""
newly-hired university graduate,"新規採用の大卒者",
privately hired secretary,"<→privately-hired secretary>","",
privately-hired secretary,"私設秘書","",
professional gun hired by,"(人)に雇われたプロの殺し屋","",

employ = 常時雇用のイメージ

【他動-1】雇う、雇用する◆新たに人を雇うという意味で使うこともあるが、すでにそこで働いている人たちとの関係、つまり「労使関係」が強調される語。また、常に使ってもらっているという意識が強く働いているので、use の遠回し表現として物や技術を「使う」という意味で使われることもある。
・His company employs 10 people in the office and 20 in the factory. 彼の会社は事務所に10人、工場に20人の人間を雇っている。
・We can highly recommend that you employ ABC Ltd. 私どもと致しましては、ABC 社をご利用になることを大いにお勧め致します。
・It depends on the processing method employed. 使用する処理方法による。
    • good
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    • good
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