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Last year, I failed to pass my public high school entrance exams. Today, I feel honestly glad that I came to XX High School. But when the results were announced, I became incredibly depressed, and cried non-stop for two or three days. Then one day a good friend of mine told me, "In the long run, passing exams isn't a big deal at all. This isn't the end. You still have a future ahead of you." These words were a salvation to me, and I repeated them firmly to myself. Yes, I had lost the battle of high school entrance exams. But I don't think that it's a bad thing to be able to tell yourself that you've lost. In fact, could it not be considered a good thing? I believe that being able to say in all honesty that you have failed is the first step to moving on, and will ultimately have a positive effect.

Aiko Uemura once made a statement that reflects my feelings on this. She said, "A life without struggles is a sheltered life. A life with struggles is a life to be thankful for." She said this after refusing to give in, facing up to her own struggles and taking up the challenge once more. I learned from her, too, that these painful experiences of mine are something I should be thankful for. And now, I see things every day that I could never have seen without taking this detour in life. For instance, I have met many wonderful friends at the school I now attend, and have had many valuable experiences that I could not have experienced anywhere else.

I now have a dream. My dream is to go on to enter the university of my choice, learn still more than I know now, and meet many more wonderful friends. This dream may not be my goal in life, but I believe that this time around, I will prevail. However, in order to make this dream come true, I will have to put all my skill to the test upon the crucial stage that is my university entrance examinations. As such, I mean to treasure the things that I gain from going through each day, and live out a full and worthwhile high school life.
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