
http://edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/02/25/hamrah …


Let's call these films 3D movies: disintegration, devaluation and demoralization. To watch these movies, you have to take off your polarized glasses.



The 10 films nominated for Best Picture, along with the ones singled out for actors' performances, all deal with disintegrating or uncertain families, or with young men and women suddenly thrust into the world on their own once they've realized their families have become their captors.

once they've realized their families have become their captors.

Annette Bening plays a masculinized mother in that movie, scary at times, but a beacon of sanity compared with the mothers in "Black Swan," "The Fighter," "Animal Kingdom," "Winter's Bone," and "Inception," a gaggle of frightening harridans and depressives the likes of which have never been rounded up in a cinematic year before this one.

a gaggle of 以降がよくわかりません・・・。the likesの意味がよくわからないです。

Young men are on their ownがよくわかりません。

The films that don't take place in squalor play out in closed and emptied spaces, or in dreamscapes of collapse, like the ones in "Inception." "Black Swan" manages to make the once-dainty world of ballet grimy, sweaty and bloody. Who knew it could be so claustrophobic and terrifying?

All these films are of a much higher-grade than the usual Hollywood fare.

文法的に理解出来ません。of a much higher...ですが、
All these films are a much higher-grade than the usual Hollywood fare.ではないのでしょうか?


A 回答 (2件)


Let's call these films(昨年までの娯楽提供の映画とは違う,複雑で不安な社会の現実を題材にした映画) 3D movies(3D立体視にかけた造語): disintegration(コミュニティーの崩壊), devaluation(デフレによる価値の崩壊) and demoralization(社会不安による意識の崩壊). To watch these movies(こうした現実をテーマにする映画をきちんと鑑賞するには), you have to take off your polarized glasses(これまでのように映画に現実逃避を期待する姿勢は捨てなければならない).

The 10 films nominated for Best Picture(ノミネートされた10作品は), along with the ones singled out for actors' performances(を含め), all deal with disintegrating or uncertain families(すべて家族崩壊をテーマにしている), or(ちょっと異色なものとしては) with young men and women suddenly thrust into the world on their own(若者たちが突然家族との縁を切って世界で脚光を浴びるものもある) once they've realized their families have become their captors.

Annette Bening plays a masculinized mother in that movie(Annette Beningは男のような母親役を演じていて), scary at times(ぞっとすることもしばしばだが), but a beacon of sanity compared with the mothers in "Black Swan," "The Fighter," "Animal Kingdom," "Winter's Bone," and "Inception,"("BS" "TF" "AK" "WB" "I"に登場する母親たちに較べればほっとさせる場面もちらほらある) a gaggle of frightening harridans and depressives the likes(常に口うるさい母親や生気を失った母親のたぐいは) of which have never been rounded up in a cinematic year before this one(今までの映画では登場したことがない).

a gaggle of 「ガチョウのガーガー」ガーゴーは「うがい」ともとれます
the likes「など」

Young men are on their own(若い男性の描写は自然な役が多い)

The films that don't take place in squalor(こんな映画だが,薄汚い映像にはなっていない) play out in closed and emptied spaces(ただ何もない背景であったり), or in dreamscapes of collapse, like the ones in "Inception."("Inception"に見られるように破綻した夢の世界だったりする) "Black Swan" manages to make the once-dainty world of ballet grimy, sweaty and bloody.("BS"ではかつて華やかだったバレー界の凋落を見事に血生臭く描写している) Who knew it could be so claustrophobic and terrifying?(この映画がこれほど息苦しくゾッとさせるものになるとは誰も思いつかなかっただろう.)

All these films are of a much higher-grade than the usual Hollywood fare. (ノミネートされた作品はすべてこれまでのハリウッド映画より数倍内容のある作品となっている.)

of a much higher...[of + 抽象名詞 = 形容詞: of beauty = beautiful]
All these films are [a削] much higher-grade [films] than the usual Hollywood fare.

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Beware that the writer describes the genre of the films that provide a very negative theme. 3-D is the word referred to disintegration, devaluation and demoralization. You can’t see how people get depressed in a disintegrated society that devalues the morality in these movies—because they are NOT literally 3-Dimenions. This is the figurative expression that amuses so many people.

Q6> once they've realized their families have become their captors. これが、何を言いたいのかがよくわかりません・・・。

The two took their families inside the door and incarcerate them as the hostages.

Q7>a gaggle of frightening harridans and depressives the likes of which have never been rounded up in a cinematic year before this one.
“gaggle”—group of people especially a noisy or disorderly group
“harridans”— women who are so temperament and assertive for their age. It’s very offensive.

Q8> Young men are on their ownがよくわかりません。若い男性らは、自分自身のことだけだ。みたいな意味ですか?
It means that they act quite differently from their parents or what they looked like in the past—such as behaving like child, not financially/mentally independent, or refusing to take the responsibilities as an adult.
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