
“Politics is about policy, but it’s also about giving people some kind of sense of participating in a common venture with their fellow citizens,” Mr. Wolfe said.
Philosophers call it “civil religion,” using the language of religion and elevation to talk about your country. A classic example is Ronald Reagan’s summoning of the “city on a hill.” That, Professor Wolfe said, was the parallel Mr. Obama was hinting at when he talked about Reagan as a transformative leader.

“A soft civil religion is something our country desperately needs at a time of deep partisanship,” Mr. Wolfe said. “He wants to go back to the Reagan years as a Democrat, with Democratic policies.”

But others see in this same language a more cynical cult of personality.

“What is troubling about the campaign is that it’s gone beyond hope and change to redemption,” said Sean Wilentz, a historian at Princeton (and a longtime friend of the Clintons). “It’s posing as a figure who is the one person who will redeem our politics. And what I fear is, that ends up promising more from politics than politics can deliver.”

From the day Mr. Obama announced his candidacy, he has billed it as a movement, and himself as the agent of generational change.

billed itのitが何を指し示すのか教えていただけるとありがたいです。
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/17/weekinreview/1 …

A 回答 (3件)


>It’s posing as a figure who is the one person who will redeem our politics.
こうするとこのIt's posing のitはcampaign となりすんなり受け入れられますし、文の内容としてもはるかにぴったりです。

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単純に考えて、その直前のcandidacy ではないでしょうか。

movement は「世の中の動き、流れ」でしょうが、ヒッピームーブメントなどのように、こういう場合はカタカナでそのまま書いた方が分かりやすいかもしれませんね。




補足日時:2008/02/29 16:39
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it は <civil religion>、movement は <the civil rights movement> などというときのような何か目標を持った活動。

Obama はあたかもカルトの教祖のように政策と呼べるものを超えたレベルで思想を喧伝している。


>it は <civil religion>、
ちなみに“It’s posing as a figureですが検索していただいたところ “Obama is posing as a figureのようです。なぜitになっているのかは分かりません。

補足日時:2008/02/29 16:35
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