

"That's me," says one driver.Like a bronco rider whose trun has just been called in a rodeo,he grabs his dashboard money box,which accompanies him wherever he goes,counts out some pesos for waitress behind the counter,and turns to go.A goodbye grunt is all his fellow drives get.In minutes,he has mounted his jeepney and bolted into the steaming traffic,hais passengers bucking along behind.

The tired,sweaty jeepney driver,dirty bandanna slung around swarthy neck, ducks under the corrugated iron roof and slides nonchalantly onto the stool at the counter of Maria's Carin deria,a makeshift open air food stall.He joins half a dozen others hunched hungrily over their plantes.Periodically,one of the drivers stops eating long enough to take a swig of cola.All appear either oblivious or indifferent to the noise and dust being kicked upoutside in a parking lot full of jeepneys,idling and soitting impatiently,like so many frisky horses parking the ground to get out of their corral.

Visitors to Bourmemouth area looking for some peace and quite should try Brownsea Island,five hundred acres of undisturbed heath,woodland and marsh.
The island,just half an hour by from Poole Quay,is inhabited by red squirrels,rabbits,peacocks and countless other wild creatures in their natural habitat.Bring your lunch and enjoy a picnic surrounded by the pleasures of nature.

A 回答 (1件)


疲れて、汗まみれのジプニードライバー、浅黒い首、トタン屋根とスライドの下のダックの周りに無頓着にマリアのキャリンderiaのカウンタのスツールに投げられた、汚いバンダナ、間に合わせの開いている空気food stall.Heは彼らのplantesの上でひもじそうに弓なりに曲げられた半ダースの他のものに加わります; 定期的に、ドライバーのひとりは、いらだってcola.Allの一飲みを取ることができるくらいの長い間雑音に気づかないか無関心に見えて、ジプニーでいっぱいの駐車場の蹴られたupoutsideであるので、ほこりを払って、怠けて、soittingしながら、箸を置きます、それらの柵囲いを出るために地面を駐車するとても多くのよく跳ね回る馬のように。
ウサギ、ちょうど30分、プールからの、生息されて、赤が蓄えられるというQuayによることであり島であり、クジャクであり、それらのnatural habitat.Bringの他の無数の野生の生物が昼食を楽しんで、自然の喜びによって囲まれたピクニックを楽しんでください。

 =エキサイト翻訳=により以上の様に出ましたがm(_ _)m  




補足日時:2010/07/10 23:52
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2010/07/10 23:54
