
100字~110字で要約して下さい。 Durinng the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, authropologists, influenced by biological evolutionism, were trying to organize in a unilineal sequence the institutions that they observed throughout the world.Departing from the assumption that our own institutions of so-called primitive people, the image of institutions that could have existed in prehistoric periods. And since the modern family is founded essentially on monogamous marriage, these anthropologists immidiately inferred that savage societies---aquated, for the purpose of their arument, with the societies of man at the beginning of his existence---could only have institutions of an exactly opposite type.

It was thus necessary to gather and distort facts to fit the hipotheses. Fanciful "early" stages of avolution were invented---such as #group marriage" and "promiscuity"---to account for the period when man was still so barbarous that he could not possibly conceive of niceties of the social life it is the privilege of cilizized man to enjoy. Assigned its predetermined place and properly labeled, every custom different from our own could illustrate one of the stages encountered by humanity from its origin to our own day.


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お礼日時:2010/07/31 19:53
