

Altough forty years passed since Japan and China signed the diplomatic treaty, they will possibly have a conflict. It is in this time that I know the importance of the friendship people established gradually.


the resumption [normalization] of diplomatic ties between Japan and China (出典:eプログレッシブ英和中辞典/プログレッシブ和英中辞典)

A 回答 (1件)


Although forty years have passed since diplomatic relations between Japan and China were normalized, territorial disputes between the two countries have become worse recently. At such a difficult time, I am more sharply aware of the importance of friendship that has been built up patiently by the citizens of both countries.

It has been forty years since Japan and China became friends again after World War II, but recently there is a bad atmosphere between the two countries. Such a difficult time makes us realize more strongly how important it is for citizens of both countries to have kept up mutual exchange patiently.
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