
CoreurpletinyNo4ShangriY posted this review on BelowEmpty.com of Scott Weiland's show last night at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey:

“Also, I just got home from this show. Before they went on, I ran into Tommy Black (bassist). He is a genuinely nice guy, and very cool. Said I looked familiar from the other NJ shows. The opening act was very good as well. Pleasently surprised. 30 or so minutes after scheduled time, the Wildabouts came out and, Scott was out of it. I can guarantee he was in another universe. I think he fell offstage at one point. Not sure if he did it on purpose or not. Scott did get the crowd into it though, and the songs were rockin’. The Wildabouts have definitely improved.

A 回答 (1件)


    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2013/08/16 11:43
