

By inhibiting the act of Topo I which cleave single-stand DNA , DNA synthesis is stopped , because as long as reduce DNA twisting , DNA replication can not be replicated .
As a result , cell is lead to death . Such a thought , the drug which by inhibiting the act of Topo I so it inhibits replicate DNA and stop the cell proliferation is ilinotecan .


A 回答 (4件)


"The inhibition of Topo I" とすると「トポイソメラーゼI自体の阻害」という意味に捉えられる可能性が高いので、ここはやはり質問者様の訳を尊重して、"The inhibition action of Topo I" とすべきだと思います。

"The inhibition action of Topo I, which cleaves DNA strands, interrupts DNA synthesis, because DNA cannot replicate itself without unzipping its double-helix structure. As a result, cells die.
This is the mechanism taken advantage of, by the drug Irinotecan, which stops cell proliferation. "
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お礼日時:2014/11/12 12:56


調べたところ、Ilinotecan は Irinotecan ですね。

[ご参考] https://www.google.com/search?q=DNA+mechanism+of …
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最後の部分は "mechanism" という表現を使った方が良いかも知れません。

The inhibition of Topo I, which cleaves DNA strands, interrupts DNA synthesis, because DNA cannot replicate itself without unzipping its double-helix structure. As a result, cells die.
This is the mechanism taken advantage of, by the drug Ilinotecan, which stops cell proliferation.
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The inhibition of Topo I, which cleaves DNA strands, interrupts DNA synthesis, because DNA cannot replicate itself without unzipping its double-helix structure.

As a result, cells die. This is the logic behind the drug Ilinotecan, which stops cell proliferation.

[注] 2段落目の "...by inhibiting the act of Topo I so it inhibits replicate DNA..." は、1段落目で述べていることの繰り返しなので、思い切って省略してあります。
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