
As he is ill, he cannot attend our class reunion.
As we didn't hurry,we were late for the school bus.
I am sorry that we didn't leave home earlier.
________________________________________________________<I wish>

A 回答 (2件)

If he were not ill, he could attend our class reunion.

If we had hurried, we might/would not have been late for the school bus.
I wish we had left home earlier.

    • good
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As he is ill, he cannot attend our class reunion.

If he were not ill, he could attend our class reunion.

As we didn't hurry,we were late for the school bus.
If we had hurried, we would not have been late for the school bus.

I am sorry that we didn't leave home earlier.
I wish (that) we had left home earlier.
    • good
    • 0

