

Hello, my name is Len McCluskey. I’m general secretary of UNITE, Britain and Ireland’s largest union. And I send this message today to the people of Japan to express our shock and sadness at the catastrophe that is taking place. The whole of the UK has been stunned by what has happened. And we want you to know that you are in our thoughts. In particular this message goes to the workers of Japan and to UK workers who are still over there.

In our Japanese companies within the UK, the workforce of course are deeply saddened and are keeping a watchful eye on what is unfolding, you know car plants of Honda and Toyota and Nissan as the workers have been briefed at what is happening.

And we want you to know that our solidarity is strongly with you. We know that with the support of people from around the world then you will emerge stronger after this terrible things that happened.

We hope that our UNITE members in the UK will send e-mails, Facebook messages, messages direct to UNITE and we’ll pass on to demonstrate to the Japanese people that we are with them in this difficult hour.

And we hope in the not too distant future that you will emerge from this tragedy and we can once again work closely with each other.

不安なのが、3段落目の"You know"以下と、4段落目の"messages direct to"以下です。

A 回答 (1件)

誤:unfolding, you know car plants of Honda and Toyota and Nissan as the workers

正:unfolding. In our car plants of Honda and Toyota and Nissan (ah) the workers

誤:after this terrible things that happened
正:after this terrible things that has happened

ですね。ちなみに"messages direct to"以下については問題ないと思います。労働者全般を分け隔てなくとらえた心強いメッセージですよね。
    • good
    • 0

特に1つ目は"you know" では中々意味が通りにくかったので

お礼日時:2011/04/27 09:32
