
英語学習をはじめてまもないものです。次の英文の( )に当てはまる[ ]から選んだ語句を教えて下さい。

1.While he was talking , the author became very ( ) about the subject he was writing about. [entertainer/enthusiastic/experienced]

2.Ken has already ( ) his final paper. [substituted /submitted/subjected]

3.Staff ( ) is one of the elements a manager has to oversee. [elements /effect / efficiency]

4.This room becomes very hot and ( ) in summer. [humid/hostile/humble]

5.All the line workers in the factory have to follow strict safety ( ). [process/procedures/production]

6.Since our budget is very tight shis year , we have to seriously discuss the ( ) of remodeling the office. [survey/estimation/capability/feasibility]

7.The company had to sell off most of its ( ) after it began losing money because of a flaw in its product. [investigations/investments/inventories/integrations]

8.Because the ( ) system is inadequate ,a the air in this factory is dusty and can cause damage to the machinery. [circulation/breathing/respiration/ventilation]

9.One of my colleagues is being transferred to our ( ) in Singapore next month. [subordinate/adjuvant/subsidiary/adjunct]

10.The ( ) of contaminated water into the river has led to the deterioration of the bay area's abunadant resources. [omission/emission/transmission/operation]

11.The sleep ( ) by some drugs shows different brain wave paterns than normal rest. [induced/introduced/seduced/refused]

12.The recent ( ) of local citizens indicates that most don't agree with the idea of inviting a big manufacturing company to build a plant in this residential area. [poll/election/vote/tally]

13.The victims taken to the hospital after the explosion were all in ( ) condition. [worrisome/severe/critical/urgent]

14.Most of the medical expenses you had last year are ( ) when you file your tax return. [producible / reducible/contradictable/deductible]

15.The two companies had been negotiating the deal , for seceral weeks , but ( ) they came to an agreement. [eventually/equivalently/therefore/consequently]

A 回答 (3件)

1. enthusiastic

2. submitted
3. efficiency
4. humid
5. procedures
6. feasibility
7. inventories
8. circulation
9. subsidiary
10. emission
11. induced
12. poll
13. critical
14. deductible
15. eventually
    • good
    • 0

1. enthusiastic

2. submitted
3. efficiency
one of the elements (which) a manager has to oversee
oversee するのは elements ですので,何の問題もありません。
4. humid
5. procedures
6. feasibility
7. inventories
8. ventilation
9. subsidiary
10. emission
11. induced
12. poll
13. critical
14. deductible
15. eventually
    • good
    • 0

1.While he was talking , the author became very (enthusiastic) about the subject he was writing about.

2.Ken has already (submitted) his final paper.

3.Staff (efficiency) is one of the elements a manager has to oversee.
→to oversee what??という感じがしますがーー

4.This room becomes very hot and (humid) in summer.

5.All the line workers in the factory have to follow strict safety (procedures).

6.Since our budget is very tight shis year , we have to seriously discuss the (feasibility) of remodeling the office.
 → shis→this

7.The company had to sell off most of its (inventories) after it began losing money because of a flaw in its product.

8.Because the (ventilation) system is inadequate ,a the air in this factory is dusty and can cause damage to the machinery.
→ventilation systemで換気装置の意味
→a the air→ the air

9.One of my colleagues is being transferred to our (subsidiary) in Singapore next month.

10.The (emission) of contaminated water into the river has led to the deterioration of the bay area's abunadant resources.

11.The sleep (induced) by some drugs shows different brain wave paterns than normal rest.

12.The recent (poll) of local citizens indicates that most don't agree with the idea of inviting a big manufacturing company to build a plant in this residential area.

13.The victims taken to the hospital after the explosion were all in (critical) condition.

14.Most of the medical expenses you had last year are (deductible) when you file your tax return.
 → tax-deductibleとも言います。

15.The two companies had been negotiating the deal , for seceral weeks , but (eventually) they came to an agreement.
 → seceral→several

    • good
    • 0
