
My first priority should have been Claudine and the children, but
they often had to make do with the scraps of time I had left when all
my other commitments had been fulfilled. It was crazy, but I was on
a merry-go-round of fame and fortune and didn't know how to get
off or perhaps---and I'm ashamed as I admit it now---I didn't even
want to get off.

A 回答 (1件)

scraps は『クズ、半端な余り』という意味です。

従って scraps of time は『半端な時間』ぐらい。

・・・・but they often had to make do with the scraps of time I had left when all my other commitments had been fulfilled.  → 『しかし彼等(奥さん?と子供達)は私の他の用事が全て片付いた時に残った半端な時間で、しばしば都合を付けなければならなかった。』
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